
Reasonable accommodations are academic modifications, adjustments, and auxiliary aids that are designed to mitigate the impact of a disability and create a level playing 为残疾学生提供场地. 住宿不是为了削弱 学习结果或从根本上改变程序的基本功能. 因此, if you and your department are of the opinion that one of the listed accommodations would fundamentally alter the essential functions, please contact the Director of OSD,这样我们就可以讨论这个问题了.

If you have any questions regarding how to allow or administer these accommodations, please contact the OSD advisor working with your student (name and phone extension 在住宿信上提供). 你可能也想去参观一下 OSD学院资源网站.


延长测试时间(一倍半或两倍时间) – 学生 are allotted additional time on exams, quizzes and any timed assignment 设计在一次班会中完成. 延长的时间以时间为准 提供无残疾学生. 例如,如果类的其余部分 has one hour to take the exam, a student with time and a half would be entitled to 90分钟. 注意: This accommodation is not satisfied by adjusting the time for the whole class based 在残疾学生批准的时间内. 例如,如果您提供 the entire class with time and a half, the student with disabilities must be provided 在此调整时间之上的额外时间.

替代格式的测试 -允许学生以不同于教师的形式参加考试 设计员. 这可能包括使用电子版本的考试 the student to use with a 屏幕 reader or access to an enlarged version of the exam. 下面是关于备选格式材料的其他信息.

分散注意力测试(测试中心OSD室) – 学生 are allowed to take the exam in a private (separate) room in the testing center. 考生应提前预定考场. 房间都 预订,先到先得. 学生们被鼓励保留他们的 他们一知道考试日期就会通知学生.

在校园测试中心进行测试 -学生可以在校内考试中心参加考试. 学生 with disabilities cannot be required to take tests in a manner that is discriminatory. If all students take the test on campus, the student with disabilities can be required to take the test (with reasonable, approved accommodations) on campus in the Testing Center. 然而,如果所有学生都在线参加考试,残疾学生 也必须被允许这样做,并提供合理的便利吗. 画布上测试 是否可以调整到允许延长的时间.

If testing accommodations are listed on the Accommodation Letter please coordinate 与您的学生和/或考试中心就必要的安排进行沟通.

If the course is online and/or quizzes and exams are given online, please contact 画布支持调整测试时间.



The College’s Mathematics 部门 and the 残疾学生办公室 (OSD)考虑使用a four-function calculator a reasonable accommodation for students with documented disabilities in 数学领域. 如需澄清,请联系OSD.




字幕员及/或手语翻译 – Qualifying students are provided with a service provider who provides one of two 服务:手语翻译或字幕服务. 手语翻译 口译口语(1.e. 直播/变焦讲座)转化为手语. Captionists 提供讲座/视频会议的实时字幕. 翻译和字幕 服务均由OSD提供(给合资格的学生). 民政事务总署职员预先安排 定期上课的口译员/编导. 符合条件的学生可以 请求 这里的补充口译服务 .


记录员 – Qualified students are provided with notetaking services for live/ video materials. OSD已经转向使用Notetaking Express进行笔记服务. 通过 Notetaking Express, students can upload recordings of class lectures/ videos and professional 记事员将在48小时内为学生做笔记. 欲知更多有关 笔记快车,请访问他们的网站 www.ntehub.com


读者和/或抄写员 – Qualified students are provided with a live assistant who reads material out loud (reader) or scribes information verbalized by a student who cannot write the information 自己,由于残疾. 这项服务主要是为考试提供的. 读者 和抄写员由OSD提供.


服务的动物 -符合条件的学生可携带服务动物到校. 服务性动物 defined as an animal (a dog or miniature horse) that is trained or is in training to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability, including a physical, 感官、精神、智力或其他精神残疾. 服务型动物是 allowed (with their handler) in all public areas of the College with the exemptions 在学院的官方名单上列出的领域  这里有关于校园动物的规定



Alternate format can take the form of digital files that are formatted to be read by 屏幕 readers or viewed with 屏幕 magnification, large print, tactile materials, or downloadable audio books such as that from Learning Ally, formerly the Recordings 盲人和诵读困难(RFB)&D). 如果学生符合条件并要求替代 format materials, we will procure or produce the alternate format that is an effective 为特定学生提供的住宿. 请注意,作为备用格式生产 is a complex, time-consuming process, we have a 20-30 business day turnaround time. If the student does not have his/her materials by the start of classes, it is most 通常是因为请求没有足够的准备时间. 那样的话,我们会的 do our best to provide the materials as quickly as possible and may have to provide 根据教学大纲上列出的日期分期付款. 需要转换的文件 替代格式可能包括(但不限于):


讲座材料、课堂讲义和教学大纲的副本 -备选格式制作是一个耗时的过程. 因此,需要的文件 conversion should be submitted to the OSD as early as possible (a minimum of 5 business 天).


视觉元素 - Tactile 图形 are raised 图形 that can be accessed through the tactile sense. At Valencia, we use Adobe Illustrator and PIAF (Pictures in a Flash) to generate tactile 图形. 我们使用Illustrator创建图形,然后将图形打印到 PIAF热敏胶囊纸. 然后我们将PIAF纸送入PIAF机器, 一个热源和光源,提高图形. 如果学生要求,我们会的 在你分配的材料中生成图形的触觉版本.


教科书 - 学生 are responsible for 请求ing books in alternate format as early as possible 为了避免开学时的延误. 符合条件的学生可以 在这里索取其他格式的教科书



Assistive equipment is used to provide additional access to the classroom environment. 辅助设备包括但不限于:

  • Assistive Listening Device (amplification to assist with hearing or auditory processing)
  • 卷帆索
  • 闭路电视(放大放在托盘上的文件的设备)
  • 磁带录音机
  • 轨迹球和/或可访问键盘
  • 轮椅桌和/或无障碍椅


学生可以有自己的辅助设备,也可以向OSD借用. The OSD tries to work with students, faculty and campus services to ensure that equipment 是否尽早进入教室以避免干扰. 如果你相信 you have a student who requires assistive equipment, please contact your campus OSD 办公室.




辅助技术软件帮助学生获取数字材料. 学生 who use alternate format materials regularly use assistive technology software to 阅读他们的课程文本. 辅助技术软件可能包括但不限于 to:


大白鲨 通常是由那些几乎没有视觉功能的盲人学生使用的吗. 大白鲨 offers the user many preferences but since its users are blind it does not incorporate 放大或颜色偏好. 学院拥有网络大白鲨许可证. 学生 他/她也可以携带装有大白鲨的笔记本电脑吗. 金沙注册的所有成员 社区有资格澳门金沙注册使用大白鲨的年度许可证. 你可以 在这里访问您的大白鲨许可


魔法 - 魔法 is typically used by students who are legally blind with limited functional 视力(低视力). 虽然魔法主要是一款屏幕放大软件 incorporates a speech engine that, if enabled, reads what is displayed on the computer 屏幕. 学院拥有网络魔术许可证.


库兹韦尔3000 is typically used by students with learning disabilities but is also frequently 请求ed 由视力低下的学生. 因为库兹韦尔3000是为个人设计的 with Learning Disabilities, it incorporates language learning and study skills tools 比如高亮,书签,字典,发音,拼写检查等等.. 库兹韦尔 3000在许多州被接受作为测试住宿. 它的许多功能都可以 禁用和密码保护,以确保安全测试.


ClaroRead比如大白鲨、魔法,库兹韦尔可以大声朗读电子文本. 此外,它 可以放大用户屏幕上的信息吗. 学院提供所有的学生谁 qualify for alternate format materials with a copy of ClaroRead to access electronic 文本材料.


If you have questions about alternate format materials, assistive equipment, or assistive technology software, please contact Steven Costa, the College’s Assistive Technology 专家,在 scosta3@westcentralohio.netRachel Schwitters在 rschwitters@westcentralohio.net.