
What population of students does the EAP实验室 serve?

The EAP实验室 serves international and domestic 英语 language learners enrolled in our 英语 for Academic Purposes (EAP) program. 

我是EAP学生. 我什么时候可以使用EAP实验室?

You may use the EAP实验室 during regular open hours. 请注意,EAP Lab can be booked by professors for exclusive use for their classes. 在事件中 that you arrive and the EAP实验室 is full, we will move you to the Language Lab next 门. The Language Lab is used as an overflow area and, therefore, is set up with the same labs and programs as found in EAP.

我是EAP教授. 我什么时候可以使用EAP实验室?

EAP professors may book space for their classes using our 网上订票日历. Please note that booking the lab is on a first come, first served basis. 工作人员 我会用电子邮件确认您的预订吗. 如果你想预约的话 要了解实验室,请发邮件 Aysha Aslam,实验室协调员.

我是一名新的EAP学生. How do I learn about the services offered at the EAP实验室?

To begin, it's highly likely that your professor will book a beginning-of-semester 班级简介. During orientation, the EAP实验室 staff will go over general lab information, as well as information specific to your class. 话虽如此,你 are welcome to come to the EAP实验室 during open hours and meet our staff members. 任何人 working at the front desk can help answer your questions.


In order to print documents in the EAP实验室, you need a print card. 打印卡是 sold in the main LSC area directly outside the EAP实验室. 黑白文件 每页10美分. In order to buy a print card, you must have dollar bills on 手. 这台机器不接受零钱. You can also buy a print card at the bookstore 在5号楼用借记卡. Print cards can be recharged, so please don't throw 卡用完后请收起来.


The 东校区 EAP workshop series is a co-curricular component for EAP0400, EAP1500, 和EAP1586. The series consists of Conversation Hour and multiple pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and technology workshops.

What is the purpose of the EAP workshop series?

The purpose of the EAP workshop series is to increase 英语 communication, listening, 词汇和语法技能.

Can I get credit for attending a workshop?

Credit depends on your course and professor. 一般来说,工作坊是可以接受的 lab credit for 东校区 EAP0400, EAP1500, 和EAP1586 courses. 对于其他课程, you would need to ask the professor if workshop attendance could possibly count towards 某种班级学分.

How do I get credit for attending a workshop?

If your teacher allows workshop attendance to count towards lab credit, your attendance 每个工作坊将被计算为一个实验学分. In other words, if you attend two workshops in a semester, you will be allotted two lab credits. 记住,为了 receive credit you must come to the workshop on time, participate in all activities, 一直呆到最后.

Where can I find the EAP workshop schedule?

你可以找到车间时间表 在线这里. You can also find the schedule and signup sheets at the EAP实验室 (4-105).


To sign up for a workshop, visit the The EAP实验室 on 东校区 (4-105), call 407-582-2098, 或者报名 电子. Please keep in mind that seats are limited and a reservation is not guaranteed.


If a workshop is full, you may be added 给候补名单. 候补名单并不意味着 that you have a guaranteed spot in the workshop. 相反,你会被邀请参加 to the EAP实验室 a few minutes before the workshop starts to see if there is 一个点 可用. Spots only come 可用 if another student does not show up. 候补名单 点按顺序完成. In other words, if you're #2 on the waitlist, then you will have to wait and see if two students do not show up before you will be offered 一个点. If you prefer not to wait, let the lab staff know and we will not add you 给候补名单.

How does my teacher know I've attended a workshop?

Workshop attendance will be sent to your professor at the beginning of the following 周. Please ask the EAP实验室 staff if you have questions about the transmission of 教授出勤率.

Can you tell me how many workshops I have attended this semester?

No - The desk staff in the EAP实验室 is not responsible for tracking your overall attendance 这个学期. You need to keep track of your attendance yourself or ask your professor. Please keep in mind that many professors require their students to keep track of attendance 通过考勤记录.

我不能参加研讨会. 有别的方法可以澳门金沙注册实验学分吗?

是的 - if you are in EAP0400, EAP1500, or EAP1586 there is another way to get lab credit 如果你不能参加研讨会. This involves listening activities on the computer. Please ask the desk staff for more information.

Do you have workshop descriptions 可用? 我想知道他们会教些什么 在我到来之前.

是的,请看 车间的描述 这个页面.

I would like to come to a workshop, but I will be late. 这样可以吗??

No - It is not acceptable to be late for workshops. 如果你迟到了,我们就不计算了 这是实验室学分. In addition, depending on how busy we are, your spot might 不见了. We give open spots to students signed up on the 候补名单. 再说一遍,如果 you are late, there is a possibility that we will give away your spot.

I would like to come to a workshop, but I need to leave early. 这样可以吗??

No - Lab credit is only awarded for full participation. 这包括待到 工作坊结束了.

I'm not in the EAP program, but I am a Valencia student and a non-native speaker of 英语. 我能来参加研讨会吗?

是的! Provided that we have space, you are welcome to join! 请注意,你 will need to sign up in advance like every other student.