
澳门金沙注册 Downtown offers 的 副学士(文学学士.A.)学位和七副学士学位 理科学位. In downtown, you'll have 的 opportunity to get hands-on experience working with local restaurants, businesses 以及政府机构. 利用 of 的se various learning opportunities and educational partnerships available in 校园周围的奥兰多都会区.

如果UCF的学士学位是你的目标,那么 直接连接到UCF® will help you get 的re with guaranteed* admission for 澳门金沙注册 graduates. That means you could earn your associate and bachelor's 学位s, or more, without 曾经不得不离开校园.



澳门金沙注册 加速技能培训 Programs

澳门金沙注册 加速技能培训 Programs


澳门金沙注册 Downtown will offer 加速技能培训 项目 that will give you an opportunity to prepare for high-demand, higher-wage careers in a short amount of time-from electronic board assembly to mechatronics to transportation logistics.





What academic/学位 项目 are available at downtown?
澳门金沙注册 Downtown will offer 的 following academic 项目:

How do I enroll or get more information about one of 的 加速技能培训 项目?
详情请致电407-582-6688. 要报名参加一个项目,请填写 的 加速技能培训在线申请 招聘人员会回应你.

The 探索性艺术副学士 学位 is available on any campus. 然而,如果 you are majoring in any of 的 项目 listed above, you may need to take some classes at 澳门金沙注册 Downtown in order to complete your program, unless 的 program 是在其他学校提供的吗. Many of 的 项目 provided downtown, are offered 在金沙注册学院的其他校区.

在那里 are various reasons why 项目 are relocating to 澳门金沙注册 Downtown. Many 项目 were selected to relocate to ensure a smooth transition into 的 UCF baccalaureate program and also give students an opportunity to take advantage of 的 learning opportunities and educational partnerships available in 的 Orlando metro 市中心校园周围的区域.

What benefits are 的re if my program moves downtown?
Given 的 intense concentration of professional entities in 的 downtown area 的re will be exceptional opportunities to engage in 的 field with local businesses, restaurants, 以及政府机构. Internships and work-place experience will be integrated 进入市中心的校园. Also, guest lectures from 的 professional community will 成为课程的整体特色.

Can I attend 澳门金沙注册 Downtown if I'm getting an 探索性艺术副学士 学位?
Yes, you can earn an 探索性艺术副学士 学位 at 澳门金沙注册 Downtown.

Can I take all of my classes at 的 campus downtown?
If you are an 探索性艺术副学士 student, or majoring in one of 的 项目 being offered at 澳门金沙注册 Downtown, 的n yes, you can take all of 你在那个地点上课.

Will 的 项目 moving downtown change or have new requirements?
The 项目 relocating downtown will not change or have any new requirements.

Will it take more or less time to complete a program at 的 campus downtown?
The time to complete your 学位 at 的 downtown campus depends entirely on you. 在那里 will be sufficient classes offered so that you can complete your program in 的 same amount of time that it would take at o的r campuses.

Do I have to be in a special program to go downtown?
No, you do not need to be in any special program to attend 的 campus downtown.


As a new student, how do I apply to 市区的校园?
The application 过程 for 澳门金沙注册 Downtown is 的 same as 的 regular application 过程. 去 澳门金沙注册 然后点击“立即申请”." While completing your application, write "Valencia College Downtown" in 的 space provided to indicate where you intend to take 的 majority 你的班级.

As a current 澳门金沙注册 student, how do I apply for 的 campus downtown?
完成更改专业表格 阿特拉斯. The Change of Major form allows you to change your major, as well as change o的r information including your home campus, your name and your address.

What are 的 steps to enroll for 的 campus downtown?
Learn about 的 steps to enroll on 澳门金沙注册's 未来学生招生 页面.

You can apply now for 澳门金沙注册 Downtown through 的 online 招生 Application.

What are 的 registration deadlines for 澳门金沙注册 Downtown?
查看“重要日期” and Deadlines" calendar on 的 "学术日历”页面.

Where can I find information about dates and deadlines, including application, add/drop, 休息时间和日历?
Find dates, deadlines, holidays and breaks on 的 calendar. 查看“重要日期” and Deadlines" calendar on 的 "学术日历”页面.

Register for classes at 澳门金沙注册 Downtown through your 阿特拉斯 账户. 每个班级都列出了校园位置.