Student Outcomes


Valencia has long held the  Big Idea that “Anyone can learn anything under the right conditions.” We believe that setting 学生成就和成果的远大目标是我们机构的方向 实施策略和战术,支持学生追求他们的目标 and creating the conditions that all students need to achieve success.

Additional Resources

 2019 Student Outcomes Insight Paper

 2018 Student Outcomes Insight Paper

Interactive Dashboard

有关学生成绩的更详细分析,请访问学生指标互动网站 Tableau dashboard.


Graduation Rate

金沙注册学院的毕业率比其他学院高得多.  图1显示了澳门金沙注册的毕业率和与之匹配的同行院校的毕业率 根据综合专上教育统计的学生人数及人数 Data System (IPEDS). The IPEDS graduation rate is calculated by measuring the percentage 在秋季学期首次入学的学生(FTIC)中 on a full-time (12 credit hours or more) basis.  The college in our IPEDS peer comparison 毕业率最高的是加州洛斯阿尔托斯山的山麓学院, with a graduation rate of 61%.

 IPEDS Graduation Rate

Figure 1. IPEDS Graduation Rate (Fall 2011 Cohort) at End of Sixth Year



Changes in Graduation Rates Over Time

金沙注册定期评估其五年毕业率,衡量百分比 在秋季学期首次在金沙注册注册的攻读学位的学生 无论是全职还是兼职),并澳门金沙注册副学士学位 five years.  如图2所示,金沙注册的五年毕业率有所提高 over time, from 27.9% for students who first enrolled in Fall 2004 to 33.7% for students who first enrolled in Fall 2014.  The five-year graduation rate reached a peak (35.2%) for students who first enrolled in Fall 2008.  It has been relatively stable for the three most recent cohorts.

Five Year Graduation Rate

Figure 2. Valencia’s Five-Year Graduation Rate (Fall FTIC Cohorts)



Graduation Rates

金沙注册按种族和民族分类的毕业率调查 reveal differences across student groups.  Our IPEDS 2011 Cohort data reveal that 各种族学生的毕业率远远超过美国学生 peer institutions (Figure 3). However, while the graduation rate for students of each 种族和民族在过去十年中有所增加,差异很大 in graduation rates have persisted over time (Figure 4).

IPEDS Graduation Rate

Figure 3. IPEDS第六年末毕业率(2011年秋季队列),按种族/民族划分



Five Year Graduation Rate

Figure 4. Valencia Five-Year Graduation Rate (Fall FTIC Cohorts) by Race/Ethnicity


随着我们继续努力在学院创造条件来改善五年制课程 所有种族和民族学生的毕业率,值得注意的是 每届新生澳门金沙注册副学士学位的总人数翻了一番 在过去的十年中,以及授予黑人和黑人的副学士学位的数量 西班牙裔学生在同一时间段内增加了两倍多(参见图5)。.

Graduation Rate

Figure 5. Number of Valencia Graduates by Incoming Cohort Year by Race/Ethnicity



Student Achievement Goals and Outcomes

2018年,学院理事会通过了以下与学生相关的目标 outcomes:

  • 第一次上大学(FTIC),寻求学位的五年分类毕业率 每个种族/族裔的学生人数将超过50%,因此超过一半的 每个种族/民族的寻求学位的学生首次在金沙注册注册 2025年秋季学期将在2030年夏季之前完成金沙注册的副学士学位.
  • 作为金沙注册毕业率的领先指标,超过75%的FTIC学生在攻读学位 2021年秋季首次入读澳门金沙注册的学生将至少澳门金沙注册15个大学水平的课程 credit hours by Summer 2023.
  • 作为金沙注册毕业率的领先指标,超过50%的FTIC学生在攻读学位 2023年秋季首次注册金沙注册的学生将澳门金沙注册所有尝试学分 在金沙注册的前五门课程中,他们的成绩必须达到A、B或C in each course.


Goal #1: Graduation Rate

最近的五年毕业率数据来自于一群学生 2014年秋季开始在金沙注册学习(2019-20学年是五年后) they started college).  Generally, the graduation rate for Black and African American 自2011年以来,学生人数一直呈上升趋势,而实际人数却很少 白人和西班牙裔学生毕业率的最新变化(见图) 6).

虽然实现我们的毕业率目标所需的改变似乎是显著的,相对而言 毕业生绝对人数的微小变化将产生巨大影响 on graduation rates.  For example, for the 2014 cohort to have reached our goal of 50%的学生完成了从金沙注册澳门金沙注册学位的目标,另外还有369人 黑人或非裔美国人毕业生,246名白人毕业生,459名 Hispanic students would have had to have graduated.

Graduation Rate Three-Year Change From Goal
Black or African American + 4.1 percentage points 26.6 percentage points
Caucasian + 0.5 percentage points 12.9 percentage points
Hispanic + 1.5 percentage points 16.2 percentage points


Graduation Rate

Figure 6. Five-Year Valencia Graduation Rate Goal (by Fall FTIC Cohort)


Goal #2: College-Level Credit Hours
近年来,修满15个大学学分的学生比例 within two years has been on an upward trend.  For the 2016 cohort, if 670 additional 学生要在两年内修满15个大学学分,我们会的 have reached our goal of 75%.
College-Level Credit Hours
Three-Year Change + 4.7 percentage points
From Goal 9.1 percentage points

College-level Credit Hours

Figure 7. 在两年内修满15个大学学分(截止到秋季FTIC) Cohort)



Goal #3: Success in First Five
在学生顺利完成所有课程的比例稳步上升之后 在2005年至2009年的前五次课程尝试中,有五次的百分比下降了 between 2010-2011 and has made only a modest recovery.  For the 2013 cohort, if 581 其他学生将成功完成前五门课程 attempts, we would have reached our goal of 50%.
Success in First Five
Three-Year Change no change
From Goal 8.8 percentage points


Success in First Five

Figure 8. Percentage of Students Completing All Five of Their First Five Cohort (by Fall FTIC Cohort)

Goals #2 and #3 serve as leading indicators for our graduation rate goal.  While our 最近的数据显示,我们越来越多的学生已经完成了15门大学水平的课程 学分在两年内,很少有学生在他们的五门课程中都取得了成功 first five course attempts. Given the strong correlation between success in first 五和完成,这是一个我们应该密切关注的趋势. These 数据还表明,制定干预措施支持成功 在他们的学术轨迹中,早期课程尝试不成功的学生 在我们努力提高所有学生的毕业率的过程中,这一点会很重要吗.